If You Can Lead A Horse to Water, It's Yours

Feds sell wild horses and burros in West Palm

The Federal Government's turning back the clock in West Palm Beach today, unloading horses and burros in a 19th century-type sale.

For the low low price of $25, you can buy a wild horse or jackass at the South Florida Fairgrounds, provided you can show proof that you can afford water, food and shelter for the animal.

It's all part of the Bureau of Land Management's plan to manage the population of wild animals in the country. There are about 33,000 wild horses and 4,000 wild burros roaming free across the country, according to the bureau.

It's also a good way to raise a little extra cash. After all, that Federal stimulus money has to come from somewhere.

The sale goes from 1 to 5 p.m. today and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow.

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