Florida Madoff Mansion Tour Full of Bull

Bernie Madoff's mansion is up for sale and we got a sneak peek

Everyone knew Bernie Madoff was full of bull after he swindled hundreds of clients out of millions of hard-earned dollars in a Ponzi scheme for the ages, but his West Palm Beach mansion really takes it to the extreme.

The five-bedroom, seven bathroom waterfront home is covered wall to wall with paintings, sculptures and symbols all of Madoff's favorite thing in the world, next to money and lying, of course. Bulls.

Amid all the figurines and cloths with stitched bulls in them, it's hard to figure out why Madoff adored bulls so much. We were kind of hoping we'd find a painting or sculpture of Madoff's head on a majestic bull body. Scratch that thought.

The government is putting all of Madoff's homes in New York and Florida for sale to help pay back some of the money he stole as part of one of the most infamous investment swindles in recent history.

It's not like Madoff needs the spacious closets anymore, anyway. His wardrobe will consist of an orange jumpsuit for the next century or so in a federal prison.

But you can be the lucky winner of Madoff's misfortune. You'll probably need a mint to buy the 8,700 square-foot house, but FBI agents aren't tipping their hand on how much they will ask for the prime, yet infamous, real estate.

For whoever buys the house, they won't have to wonder where's the beef.

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