Man Threw Two Alligators Into A Pool and Charged His Brother: Cops

Darrell M. Jones was being held in jail on $13,000 bond Monday

A man was arrested after he brought home two small, live alligators and threw them into his pool and then charged at his brother with a kitchen knife, authorities said.

Darrell M. Jones was being held in jail on $13,000 bond Monday on charges including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, possession of an American alligator, battery on a law enforcement officer. It wasn't immediately known if he had an attorney.

When officers arrived at the Riviera Beach home, they found Jones' brother was cut on his forehead, according to a probable cause affidavit . He said his brother charged at him with a knife because he had called police on him after he brought two alligators into the house and threw them into the pool, the affidavit said. His brother told authorities he became scared for his nephews after Jones threw the reptiles into the pool, the affidavit said.

Jones became irate because his brother called police, chased him around with the knife and threatened him with it, the report said. His brother called police again and that's when he put the knife in his pocket, the affidavit said.

His brother then charged at Jones, choked him and put him to sleep, the probable cause affidavit said.

Jones was transported to a hospital for treatment, and while there, he told the officer that he better "wear a bullet proof best becasue when he gets out of jail he was going to put one in him," the affidavit said. He also swung at the officer and hit him, and Jones was ultimately tied to the bed, authorities said.

He continued to threaten the officer as was transported to jail, the report said.

It wasn't immediately clear what happened to the alligators.

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