Tax Bills to Go Up Under Mayor's Proposal

Proposed budget excludes layoffs to cops, firefighters and paramedics

When is a rollback rate not a rollback rate?

When Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez says it is.

The mayor proposed Wednesday that a rollback in the tax rate will help solve the county's terrible financial situation for next year, but that rollback doesn't necessarily mean a decrease.

For most property owners it will mean their tax bill will be higher despite the value of the property likely taking a tumble as most did in Miami-Dade this year.

As proposed, the 2010-2011 budget will be $7.34 billion. The county is trying to fill a $440 million budget hole without too many layoffs. As many as 1,200 jobs would be lost under the current proposal.

Alvarez, who came under fire earlier this year for his selection of a luxury ride at taxpayers' expense, made no mention of scrapping the county's car allowance. Maybe that will come later, as he promised.

Alvarez said Thursday cops, firefighters and other public safety personnel won't see pink slips, which leaves other employees square in the cross hairs.

To solve the problem, Alvarez proposes holding the line on the tax rate, which on its face sounds like a good thing for homeowners, but really only benefits recent home buyers. He also said some services would be reduced and maintenance of county roads could be curbed.

Residents will get a chance to give comment on the county's budget plans on Sept. 13 and Sept. 23.

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