Miami-Dade May Begin Red-Light Camera Program

County is moving forward on controversial program

Miami-Dade County drivers may soon find themselves smiling for the camera.

The county is moving forward on a controversial red-light camera program that could bog down the traffic court system, the Miami Herald reported

Miami-Dade commissioners have been studying the usefulness of implementing the program with the hopes of installing cameras at nearly 200 intersections. But now officials have recommended a decrease in the program's size, down to cameras at just 20 intersections.

Nearly 30 municipalities in Miami-Dade and Broward already use the cameras, but the program hasn't raked in the money some had hoped for.

Hialeah and North Miami Beach have already axed the cameras after deciding the program was too much of a headache, with many citations being dismissed or ending in not guilty rulings in court.

The programs usually involve a fine of $158. If the driver doesn't pay, it becomes a traffic citation with a fine of $273 plus possible points on the driver's record.

The county is expected to advertise for a contractor beginning in October.

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