Keep Looking Up: Miami's “Star Gazer” Dead at 72

Horkheimer talked about the stars for 34 years on PBS

Jack Horkheimer, best known as host of PBS' "Star Gazer," died of respitory failure Friday after a long battle with an illness, officials at the Miami Museum of Science and Space Transit Planetarium said.

Horkheimer was 72 and spent the past 35 years as the director of the planetarium. During that time, he became famous for his role on "Star Gazer," a 5-minute show that chronicled what people would see in the night sky and other astronomy related events.

He had been the host of the show since 1976. Horkheimer's trademark phrase was, "Keep looking up."

Horkheimer recently became the subject of a lawsuit that claimed he sexually abused a runaway 35 years ago. The claims had not been responded to and it's unclear if the civil lawsuit will continue.

"Star Gazer"
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