
Mobile Unit To Provide Miami Homeless with COVID Vaccines

The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust will use a mobile unit to provide the homeless with vaccines

NBC Universal, Inc.

NBC 6’s Julie Leonardi is at Greater Bethel Church, the first stop in the tour to help those less fortunate.

Jeorge Garcia has been waiting for an opportunity to get the vaccine - but without a car or computer to make an appointment - getting vaccinated quickly and easily hasn’t been an option - until today.

The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust is stepping up to help the most needy in our communities by offering a mobile unit throughout the area to provide the homeless with vaccines.

"We need it and I recommend to everybody to get it," said Garcia.

Dozens lined up at the Greater Bethel Church in Miami to get their single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine - provided by the homeless trust and emergency management.

One volunteer, Steve Ferell, was seen passing out Publix gift cards to those who get the shot.

"It's a huge deal," Ferell said, adding that "They can’t shelter in place because they're out on the street, so they need this vaccine. I've been pushing it for the last few weeks. I’m glad we had this turnout.

After this stop - the mobile unit will continue to other areas in Miami-Dade County to bring vaccinations to the community.

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