Mystery Sand Flowing Out Faucets at Hialeah Apartment Complexes

Residents have complained about sand in the water coming out of their shower heads, bathroom and kitchen sinks.

Residents of the condo complex on West 81st Street have complained about sand in the water coming out of their shower heads, bathroom and kitchen sinks. Merci Gonzalez spoke about what’s been happening.

City of Hialeah Water Department workers have been working for several days to sort out a water mystery facing two major apartment complexes in the northern portion of the city.

Residents of the condo complex on West 81st Street have complained about sand in the water coming out of their shower heads, bathroom and kitchen sinks. Apartment dwellers have resorted to using bottled water for cooking.

"The sand is supposedly coming in all the faucets, drains, toilets, everything is getting clogged up," said Merci Gonzalez.

City officials say that the water is safe to drink even with the sand content. Numerous tests have been conducted on the cloudy water.

Hialeah water department workers are flushing out major water lines and trying to determine where the sand is getting into the complex water lines, trying to determine whether the sandy water is a problem with city lines or water lines owned by the home owners association.

Many older residents are being assisted by their children bringing them food and water, some have moved to family homes to wait out the repairs. 

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