
No Gitmo Transfer for Moussaoui, So-Called 20th 9/11 Hijacker

There will be no transfer to the Guantanamo Bay military prison for Zacarias Moussaoui, known as the ``20th hijacker'' in the 9/11 terror attacks.

A Miami federal judge on Wednesday dismissed Moussaoui's handwritten request for transfer to the prison at the U.S. Navy base in eastern Cuba. Moussaoui claimed he has been assaulted and harassed by other inmates and guards at the ``Supermax'' prison in Florence, Colorado.

Moussaoui is serving a life prison sentence after pleading guilty in 2005 to conspiring with the 19 hijackers in the 2001 attacks. Moussaoui was in custody on immigration charges when the attacks took place.

Moussaoui has been writing letters to courts around the country claiming inside knowledge about the plot and al-Qaida. He also wants to testify in lawsuits filed by terrorism victims.

Copyright AP - Associated Press
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