None of Accused Cat Killer's DNA Found on Felines

Lab tests turn up no human DNA on 11 mutilated and killed cats

Accused cat killer Tyler Weinman may have caught a break yesterday after it was revealed the Miami-Dade crime lab found no human DNA on 11 of the cats found butchered last year.

Newly released court records revealed that no traces of DNA were found after the mouths and paws of cat corpses were swabbed for human blood or skin cells, according to the Miami Herald.

The 19-year-old has been charged with mutilating and killing 19 cats in his neighborhood over the span of a few months last summer. In June, Miami-Dade police charged him with 19 counts of animal cruelty and improperly disposing of an animal body, and four counts of burglary.

His lawyer said the lab tests exonerate his client.

"We are excited that the results are in and confirm what we've been saying since day one -- Tyler Weinman is innocent," attorney David Macey told the Herald. "This is just another step toward vindication."

Weinman's not out of the woods yet, however. Prosecutors are still awaiting the results of tests on scalpels, clothes and other items taken from Weinman.

And there's the court documents released last July in which Weinman allegedly tried to cut a deal with police.

"OK, so let me see if I understand. As long as I tell you about the cats that I did, you can get rid of the others?" Weinman asked detectives during an interview before his arrest.

But as it stand, there still is no forensic evidence that links Weinman to the killings.

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