
Obama College Plan has Students Excited

NBC 6’s Willard Shepard talks to local college students about the proposal from President Barack Obama about making the first two years of community college free.

While President Barack Obama’s proposal for a free community college program may meet a dead end on Capitol Hill; students in South Florida couldn’t contain their excitement over the possibility of the plan.

“I think that its good, in my opinion, because I know a lot of people like myself and sister, for example, we have been trying to go to school, but the money is always an issue,” said Miami-Dade College student Julia Achaea.

Under the proposal, participating students would be expected to maintain a 2.5 point average or higher and participating schools would have to meet certain academic requirements. States would opt in to the program and put up a 25 percent of the funding with the federal government covering the rest.

"Put simply, what I'd like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everybody who is willing to work for it," the president said Thursday.

Miami-Dade College student Andres Barreto was told about the program by NBC 6’s Willard Shepard Friday and at first, thought he was joking.

“I would be able to come here and get an education, have the benefits of taking these classes without financially damaging myself and the little I have,” Barreto said.

The head of Broward College, along with the provost for student affairs at Miami-Dade College are both behind the program and believe it will ultimately help the South Florida economy.

“One of the main reasons we have seen the President invest in community colleges is really because we help to provide a workforce for our community and we prepare the students where jobs are needed in our community so they can give back right here in Miami,” said Dr. Lenore Rodicio of Miami-Dade College.

Once the plan is fully proposed and pitched in Congress, it will be up to Congressional Republicans whether or not to bring the plan to fruition.

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