Palm Beach County Approves USS Clamagore Sinking for Artificial Reef

Palm Beach County approved a $1 million contract to sink the retired USS Clamagore submarine to create an offshore artificial reef.

Commissioners unanimously voted to move forward in a contract with CRB Geological and Evironmental Services to sink the Cold War naval vessel in the waters off Jupiter/Juno Beach. 

Fuding for the sinking will come from a vessel registration fund, but only represents 25 percent of the estimated $4 million needed to sink the 320-foot sub. Commissioners agreed to void to the contract if the remaining $3 million is not raised by private sources. 

The aging sub is currently a floating tourist attraction at the Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum on the Charleston Harbor.

Due to extremly high costs in restoration and maintenance, museum officials want to part ways with the vessel, in a way that maintains the sub's historic legacy.

The sub will become part of the Palm Beach County Artificial Reef Program, created to provide food, shelter and protection for marine life, as well new exploration sights for divers. 

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