Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Filed Against Archdiocese of Miami and Priest

The alleged victim shared stories of alleged abuse from someone he says he looked up to for spiritual guidance

On Thursday, a man announced he filed a lawsuit against a priest and the Archdiocese of Miami claiming sexual abuse. The man, who wants to remain anonymous, said he was angry about what the man did to him.

On Thursday, a man announced he filed a lawsuit against a priest and the Archdiocese of Miami claiming sexual abuse.

"i know what he did to me, and I'm pissed what he did to me," said the man, who wanted to remain anonymous.

The man said the priest would "kiss me, abused me touch me. It's like a nightmare."

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The man shared stories of alleged abuse from someone he says he looked up to for spiritual guidance once he and his family arrived in South Florida from Cuba.

"Why he did that to me when I give him all the trust in my life, being my god father," the man said.

The man was suing Father Rolando Garcia and the Archdiocese of Miami. The complaint alleges childhood sexual abuse dating back to the 80s while Garcia was attending seminary in Palm Beach County.

According to attorney Jeff Herman, that's not the first time Garcia has been accused of sexual abuse.

"In 2007, i filed another case against the Archdiocese of Miami on behalf of a man who alleged he was sexually abused by Father Rolando Garcia," Herman said.

He said that case was resolved in 2009.

According to the website of Saint Agatha Catholic Church, Garcia is currently an active priest at the church in Miami.

In response to the lawsuit, the Archdiocese stated that Garcia immediately took a polygraph test and passed.

Garcia also released a statement.

"I adamantly deny these charges, which I strongly believe, were maliciously fabricated. Needless to say, I am totally innocent of this allegation," the statement said.

"He can hide it he can lie, but I know its true what he did to me," the alleged victim said.

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