So Lame: Miami Teens Hit With Curfew

Miami teens must be inside by 11 p.m. starting May 1

May 1 will mark the beginning of the end of nightlife for teens in Miami.

The Miami Commission has decided to enforce a long-standing teen curfew that will require unaccompanied minors to be out of the streets and into their homes by 11 p.m. on weekdays, reports the Miami Herald.

People 17 years old and younger get an extra hour to hang out on the weekends.

The measure is designed to curb teen violence, but seems a bit anti-American.

Teens caught in violation by police could be fined. Despite not being arrested, they would be placed in a squad car and taken to a police substation, where parents will be required to pick up their wayward teen.

Parents could also face a $500 fine if their child is a habitual curfew offender.

Teens are allowed out past the curfew if they are accompanied by an adult that's at least  21 years old or have proof they were at a school or religious function.

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