
Three Kings' Day 2016

Wednesday, Jan. 6 marks Three Kings' Day, the last of the 12 days of Christmas.

Three Kings' Day is also known as Día De Los Reyes Magos and Epiphany. It revolves around the three wise men who visited baby Jesus after his birth.

The three kings were Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar. They gave Jesus oil, frankincense and myrrh.

Three Kings' Day traditions vary, depending on location. In Spain and other Latin countries, children place their old shoes outside their doors before going to sleep the night before. When they wake up, their shoes are full of toys.

Hispanic communities often serve rosca de reyes on the holiday. Other traditional foods include Mexican hot chocolate and tamales.

Holiday activities often include the singing of aguinaldos or Christmas carols.

El Museo will host its annual Three Kings' Day parade in New York City from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EST. It features camels, colorful puppets, parrandas, music and dancing.

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