Trouble for a Little Piece of Heaven in Coconut Creek

Farm for kids called God's Little Acres faces foreclosure

In these tough economic times, even a place called "God's Little Acres" isn't being spared from the wrath of the recession.

The Coconut Creek retreat for sick and disabled children is facing foreclosure.
At God's Little Acres you'll find miniature horses, Lou the emu, and a couple of trained chickens. Every other Saturday children with special needs flock to this small farm to spend the day.  
Joan and Bob Nast created the getaway after volunteering at children's hospitals.
“So this is a calling on our life to help sick children their siblings and their families," said Joan. "That was 13 years ago and we’ve had 9,000 children out since."
But donations have dwindled and work for Bob disappeared.
“In the last two years we haven't had a fundraiser and my husband's a general contractor, used to make a lot of money and he hasn't made a dime," said Joan.
"We weren’t able to pay the mortgage like it's supposed to be paid we just fell behind,” explained Bob.
So God's Little Acres is in foreclosure, owing the bank $47,000. American Residential Law Group helped them get an extension.
“The judge was touched, she understood what we're doing here is for the children and a six-month stay on a sale is fantastic,” said attorney Joel Jacobi.
In addition to the mortage, Bob Nast says it costs about $8,000 a month just to maintain the place. Joan has faith things will turn around.
Ronald McDonald House gave us our first $10,000 grant," she said. "Every bit of money we get we're just socking away so when we get the loan modification we are able to pay and keep up with our bills.”
If the Nasts can't come up with the money in they next six months, God's Little Acres could be put on the auction block.
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