Twin ‘Tangs Feast on Chunky Monkey

Pumpkin and Peanut celebrated their new digs with a pint of Ben and Jerry's

While the last housewarming party we had involved tricking our friends into unpacking boxes.

But over at Jungle Island, Peanut and Pumpkin got a full-on par-tay.

The 5 1/2-year-old twin orangutans (very rare, apparently) are moving to swanky new digs called a Primadone, which we're envisioning to boast the best swinging trees money can buy and bananas on demand, and to celebrate the occasion, Jungle Island held an ice cream social.

Both man and monkey dined on, what else, Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey.

Peanut and Pumpkin only the third twins in captivity to survive, and it's been two decades since the last reported occasion of an orangutan giving birth to twins.


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