Confirmed Swine Flu Cases in Florida Jump to 23

The number of confirmed cases in the state has ballooned from five so keep that hand sanitizer handy

Hospital masks and air high fives might be all the rage this weekend after health care officials announced Friday that Miami-Dade has two confirmed cases of swine flu.

Statewide, confirmed flu cases have jumped from five to 23.

The flu, which has been made to be more scary than it might be by constant news conferences and marked up interactive maps, had been contained north to Broward County, but officials said it has made that jump across the county line.

Broward also had four new swine flu cases, officials said.

The two patients in Miami-Dade aren't much of a surprise. One suspected case of a teen-aged girl caused the closure of two schools. But Doral Academy Charter Middle School and Doral Academy Senior High School were reopened Wednesday, a day earlier than planned, after federal officials said the virus is not a reason to shut down a school.

And sure enough, the 13-year-old girl had swine flu.

The other case involved a 47-year-old woman.

Both patients are recovering nicely, if that makes you feel any better.

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