
Two Florida Cities Ranked Among Happiest and Healthiest in United States

Naples came out on top for the second straight year in the poll ranking people’s well being.

The state of Florida can now boast having two of the healthiest metropolitan areas in the country according to a recent survey.

A Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index ranking puts the Naples/Marco Island area as the healthiest place in America for the second year in a row.

The study looked at factors such as smoking, proper money management, community safety and friendships. Naples was cited for such measures as improving travel for walkers and those on bikes as well as improving well-being in schools and worksites across the county.

Sarasota/Bradenton also ranked among the top 10, coming in at number six. Miami/Fort Lauderdale came in at 35th nationally, the fourth highest among areas in the Sunshine State.

In state rankings, Florida came in just outside the top 10 with an 11th place finish. Hawai’i was ranked as the top state for people’s well-being, while West Virginia finished last.

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