
U.S. Coast Guard in Miami Investigating 3 Laser Pointer Incidents

The U.S. Coast Guard in Miami is investigating three instances of lasers being pointed at patrol boats and aircrews, with two of the incidents happening in the past 24 hours.

One incident happened Tuesday when an 87-foot patrol boat was hit with a laser while patrolling near Sanibel Island. Crewmembers said the green laser came from land.

Also on Tuesday, a rescue helicopter crew reported being hit with a laser about a nautical mile south of Punta Salina, Puerto Rico.

The third incident happened back on May 10 to a Coast Guard cutter was lasered in the area of the Venetian Causeway in Miami.

No one was injured and authorities are investigating all three incidents.

"If a crew member is lased it severely compromises his ability to effectively response and safely operate the aircraft, ultimately endangering the safety and lives of crewmembers onboard and the general public," the Coast Guard said in a statement.

Pointing a laser at an aircraft is a federal crime that carries a fine of up to $250,000 and up to five years in prison.

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