Weather Forecast: Highs at 83, Showers Possible

Highs at 83 with a chance of showers

Passing showers in the afternoon, heavier rain in the Florida Keys and still breezy at times.

Conditions remained cloudy and breezy, but the weather is slowly improving.

Highs Sunday will be at 83 with lows in the upper 70s. There is a chance of passing showers, but they are not expected to linger over inland areas.

The day will be breezy, but not as windy as Saturday. There is a moderate risk of rip currents. Small crafts should exercise caution.

Monday will be one of the best days, with only a slight chance of isolated showers and highs at 84. Rain is expected Tuesday before a cold front moves over the area Wednesday and Thursday. Lows will be in the upper 60s.

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