South Florida Companies Bringing Yoga to the Office

Instead of going home, workers going "Ohm"

When the work day ends at Perry Ellis International's corporate headquarters in Doral, instead of going home, Carlos Cruz goes, "ohhhhmmmm."

"I just come to yoga, close my eyes, chant my "ohms" and let it go," said Cruz, after a weekly yoga class that takes place right down the hall from his desk.

Perry Ellis started offering this weekly class four months ago. Their treasurer, Fanny Hanono says she liked the idea because it gives employees a hassle-free way to relieve stress.

"By the time they get home after a full-work day, they don't want to change, go out and go to a work-class," Hanono said.

The class gives co-workers a rare chance to co-exist under less formal circumstances. And people from just about every department in the company have taken advantage of the free yoga.

"I love the convenience," said Donna Benavides Diaz, a purchasing agent. "I just leave my desk, come downstairs and have a wonderful relaxing yoga class for the week."

Paula Walker from Green Monkey brings the yoga classes to companies all over South Florida as part of their corporate wellness program.

"People are working harder and longer hours these days," Walker said, "and if you have your yoga right on site it makes it easier for people."

It might seem strange to do the "downward facing dog" or other yoga poses in your office, and in the case of Perry Ellis, surrounded by mannequins. However, their employees say once class begins, they might as well be in a different world.

"I really don't concentrate on it being at Perry Ellis or that I'm at my job," Benavides-Diaz explained. "I'm just at my yoga class connecting on a different level with myself."

Follow Adam Kuperstein on Twitter at @akuperstein.

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