
Zookeeper Loses Tip of Finger in Tiger Bite at Zoo Miami

What to Know

  • Zookeeper lost tip of index finger
  • Tiger bit zookeeper's finger while eating meat
  • Zookeeper did not follow protocol; tiger will not be put down

A zookeeper was bitten by a tiger during during feeding time Tuesday at Zoo Miami.

Zoo officials said the 20-year-old zookeeper, Emily Mack, was feeding a tiger through the bars, which is against protocol. The zoo's spokesperson Ron Magill said the worker used her hand to feed the animal instead of a stick. The 300-pound cat named Berani bit her left index finger while eating meat.

"This cat did not bite maliciously. He was just getting the meat that he was being rewarded for and she had her finger with the meat, so when he got the meat, he got her finger. This is not like a ough case at all," said Magill.

The incident happened behind the scenes during a training exercise.

Mack, who has been with the zoo for two years, lost the tip of her left index finger. She was taken to the hospital and later released.

"I do feel for her, but obviouslyy she didn't do what she was supposed to do. It's an accident and accidents happen," said Magill.

Officials say nothing will happen to the tiger because the animal was not aggressive and did nothing wrong.

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