Donald Trump

Donald Trump Praises Saddam Hussein's Approach to Terrorism — Again

This isn't the first time Trump has cast the brutal dictator in a positive light

Donald Trump praised former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein Tuesday night, allowing that he was a "really bad guy" but had redeeming qualities when it came to his handling of terrorists, NBC News reported. 

Trump lauded the former U.S. adversary for how "well" he killed terrorists, recalling that he "didn't read them the rights, they didn't talk. They were terrorists, over." Now, Trump assessed, "Iraq is Harvard for terrorism. You want to be a terrorist, you go to Iraq."

Hillary Clinton's campaign seized the opportunity to once more paint Trump as unfit for office.

This isn't the first time Trump has cast the brutal dictator in a positive light. Throughout the primaries Trump glossed over Hussein's violent history in favor of what he viewed as a more stable Middle East ruled by Saddam's viciousness.

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