Drones Used to Spot Poachers from Thousands of Miles Away

A new method using drones has been proven effective to stop elephant and rhino poachers in their tracks from thousands of miles away. Each year, thousands of elephants and rhinos are poached as ivory and rhino horns become more desirable. A group called Air Shepard hopes to stop the longtime problem of poaching by using new technologies— computer-controlled drones that spot poachers and make it easier for rangers to find them across Africa's vast landscape. The benefit of drones is that they can monitor a lot more ground than rangers. Not only will these drones help the animals but can also assist in dismantling terrorist group's funding. Groups like al-Shabab fund their violence in part with profits from illegally trading ivory and rhino horns, bringing in between $200,000 and $600,000 a month from ivory alone.

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