Is Your Phone Giving You the Flu?

Dallas-based AT&T's Chief Medical Officer says phones can spread flu and other diseases

You're taking all the precautions to keep safe from the influenza virus -- getting a flu shot, avoiding sick people, and dousing your hands with sanitizer -- but there's something else you should be keeping clean to help avoid the flu -- your cell phone.

Dallas-based AT&T's Chief Medical Officer says phones can spread flu and other diseases easily because they come in close contact with your face so often.

The other problem is those touchscreens. Since people also touch surfaces covered in germs like doorknobs and railings, those germs could be living on your cell phone screen after you touch it.

The company recommends disinfecting your phone regularly and thinking about using a hands-free headset that might help keep exhaled germs from getting on your device.

AT&T also says you should avoid taking your phone out in the restroom. We hope we don't have to explain why.

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