Keyless Automobile Ignition Systems Fatally Flawed: Critics

Popular keyless car ignition systems may be dangerous for drivers. Without a physical key, many drivers are parking their cars in their garages and forgetting to turn off the ignition, allowing poisonous carbon monoxide to seep into their homes, NBC News reported.

According to Janette Fennell, founder and president of the safety group, there were 19 fatalities and 25 "close calls" due to keyless ignitions since 2009.

In November, a Washington family was rushed to the hospital after their keyless Toyota van was unintenionally left running all night in the garage. Potentially deadly levels of carbon monoxide were found in the home.

In December 2011, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration proposed rules to require an exterior alarm to warn drivers their car is still running as they walk away, but no official action has been taken.

The agency expects to issue a final rule mandating a warning alarm next month, but critics say it's not enough. Instead, they’re pushing for keyless cars to have an automatic shut off.

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