“Kick-Ass” Creator Says Sequel Will Be Heroes v. Villains “In a Big Gangfight”

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Mark Millar, the creative force behind "Kick-Ass," does love to talk about his work. And occasionally he say things that appear to be factual and of interest.

Most recently Millar was gushing about "Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall," which in May was slated for release in 2012, after the print version runs in the magazine Clint.

"[I]t’s gangs going all over New York filming atrocities on their cell phones and putting them on the internet, trying to outdo each other, all at the behest of Red Mist," Millar told Empire. "My idea for Red Mist was to introduce a supervillain that made Heath Ledger’s Joker look like Cesar Romero’s Joker. He’s basically Charles Manson as a supervillain."

We're big fans of Christopher Mintz-Plasse, who played Red Mist in the original film, but he felt a bit miscast as a super villain. That said, the actor is apparently psyched about the chance to play a full-blown sociopath.

"Chris said to me he hates the fact that people always call him McLovin’. So my aim was to give him a new name for people to call him. And the villain calls himself The Motherf-----. Chris is The Motherf-----, the worst of all supervillains."

But fear not, fans of Dave Lizewski (a.k.a. Kick-Ass): He'll still be the star of the show.

"[W]e continue the story of Dave. ... He forms a gang and what you’ve got then is all the heroes versus all the villains in a big gangfight."

"Kick-Ass" was great, it's disappointing box-office numbers be damned, and we'll happily wait for the sequel. No matter how much Millar talks about it.

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