The Octo-Mom's Angelina Obsession

If the Octo-mom's story ever played out in a TV movie, Angelina Jolie would be a dead ringer for the role -- and that may be no accident.

NBC spotted the similarities between the two pouty-lipped brunettes last week when we pointed out that the pair of megamoms looked freakishly similar:

"Is it just us or does California octo-mom Nadya Suleman bear an uncanny resemblance to sexto-mom Angelina Jolie (hey, she's sexy and has six kids, get it?).

Apparently, we weren't alone. Now everyone from Access Hollywood to Life & Style magainze is buzzing about the eye-popping resemblance between the mother of 14 who recently gave birth to a set of octuplets and the possible subject of her obsession, Angelina Jolie.

The duo looks so similar that they will appear together on the cover of Life & Style magazine with the headline "Obsessed with Angelina" emblazoned in yellow on the cover.

"The similarities between Nadya and Angelina are uncanny," plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn told Life & Style. "Their brows are almost identical, and they both have nice smooth foreheads." 

The surgeon, who did not treat Suleman, said it appears the in-vitro fan had procedures such as lip augmentation and rhinoplasty that make her resemble Jolie.

"Today" show host Ann Curry said the mom denied such allegations.

"The lips are her own. This is not plastic surgery," Curry said, referencing a conversation she had with Suleman.

Angelina has three biological kids and three adopted children. Suleman has 14. Despite the similarities, Octo-mom denies that she has any obsession with Angelina.

 "I have never thought of Angelina Jolie expect the last time I saw one of her movies. I think that was years ago. It is so far away from the place I'm in right now to think of any celebrity," Suleman said Tuesday night on "Dateline NBC".

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