United States

Nevadans Can Now Retroactively Become High School Graduates

As many as 10,000 people, some in their 50s, could be affected

Thousands of Nevadans could soon become new high school graduates after the state decided that students should get diplomas if they passed their classes but failed exit exams, which are no longer in place today, NBC News reported.

Nevada began phasing out proficiency exams for potential graduates in 2013, and the policy official took effect this year. So students who never passed the test before 2013 were denied diplomas based on a requirement today's students don't have to meet. 

As many as 10,000 people, some in their 50s, could be affected. The state is offering a shot at graduation to students as far back as 1982 when the test began.

As long as 10 years ago, research was turning against so-called exit exams. Such exams, a massive 27-year study published in the journal Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis found in 2006, "are associated with lower public high school completion rates," a trend that "grows stronger as states become more racially and ethnically diverse and as poverty rates increase."

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