3D “Star Wars” Movies Confirmed with “Phantom Menace” Release Date

The good news: After years of teasing fans with the possibilty of retro-converted 3D versions of the "Star Wars" movies, George Lucas is finally making good on his promise and has even set a release date.

The bad news: He's only releasing one movie a year, and he's doing it in chronological order.

So on February 10, 2012, Lucas will kick off the 3D releases with "The Phantom Menace" - which means, yes, we have to wait until 2015, 2016, and 2017 for "A New Hope," "The Empire Strikes Back," and "Return of the Jedi."

The announcement came courtesy of the official "Star Wars" website.

The entire saga also makes its Blu-ray debut at the end of the year. See? We told you there was no way Lucas really believed in the Mayan 2012 prophecy.

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