‘The Swedish Number' Allows You to Call Random Swedes

In a bid to introduce its people to the world, Sweden's Tourist Association set up "The Swedish Number." The idea is that anyone can call up and they'll be put through to "a random Swede," or at least one who has downloaded The Swedish Number app, NBC News reported. 

The project was set up to celebrate 250 years since Sweden became the first country to constitutionally abolish censorship. More than 11,000 people have called since it was launched Wednesday, some 35 percent of them from the United States.

In a bid to find out more about this Scandinavian country, NBC News called five people on Friday and — bearing in mind the small and completely random sample size — chatted about Swedish life and the country's links with the U.S.

During their conversations, NBC News talked with Swedes about topics ranging from ABBA, the Kardashians and Donald Trump. 

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