Donald Trump

Twitter Promises to Clarify Rules in Wake of Trump North Korea Threat Tweets

"We hold all accounts to the same rules, and consider a number of factors when assessing whether Tweets violate our Rules," the company said

On his first address to the United Nation’s General Assembly, President Donald Trump called for more countries to join together against North Korea and Iran, and for Venezuela to restore “democracy and political freedoms.”

Twitter said Monday that President Donald Trump's weekend tweet warning that North Korea "won't be around much longer!" didn't violate its terms of service, which it said it would clarify publicly at a later date, NBC News reported.

Trump tweeted Sunday that if North Korea's foreign minister "echoed thoughts of Little Rocket Man [Trump's nickname for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un] they won't be around much longer!"

In a thread on its Public Policy page, the company said it had been asked why it didn't take down Trump's tweet in light of its rule reading: "You may not make threats of violence or promote violence, including threatening or promoting terrorism."

"We hold all accounts to the same rules, and consider a number of factors when assessing whether Tweets violate our Rules," the company said. "Among the considerations is 'newsworthiness' and whether a Tweet is of public interest."

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