Donald Trump

US Has New Intel That Manafort Friend Kilimnik Gave Trump Campaign Data to Russia

On Thursday the U.S. Treasury sanctioned Kilimnik and for the first time said he passed along the data to Russian intelligence services

NBCUniversal Media, LLC President Donald Trump issued a new wave of pardons and sentence commutations for 29 people, including Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Charles Kushner.

The U.S. intelligence community has developed new information about Konstantin Kilimnik, whom they call a Russian spy, that leads them to believe the associate of ex-Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort passed internal Trump campaign polling and strategy information to Russian intelligence services, two U.S. officials say.

On Thursday the U.S. Treasury sanctioned Kilimnik and for the first time said he passed along the data to Russian intelligence services.

That new detail, part of a factsheet released by Treasury, was not included in the 2019 report by special counsel Robert Mueller, who was tasked with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

For more on this story, go to NBC News.

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