The Great Stadium Debate Continues

Whether or not the Marlins will have their new home comes down to Monday's commission vote

The new stadium: It could yield new jobs or it could costs us a fortune. So, which will it be?

The proposed $634 million building has been a heated topic for some time. But this past week, the Florida Marlins seemed to be a little closer to making a new home for themselves. At this point, the ball is in their court, er stadium.

On Thursday, the Marlins’ new digs were in favor 3-2. Commissioner Joe Martinez tells the Miami Herald, “The Marlins have now conceded to changes under pressure from the city commissioners. If the Marlins will agree to these changes, perhaps they will do even more.” 

Commissioners in favor of the project say the money from the stadium could benefit the city and county if the team sells post construction. They also say the building process could employee many out-of-work South Floridians. These aspects alone have some of the biggest critics in the commission thinking the deal will go through.

As Miami-Dade Commissioner Carlos Gimenez told the Miami Herald, ''I think they have the votes now, but you can still make the deal better by changing some aspects of it.'' Gimenez has been adamantly opposed to the project.

Now it all boils down to how much the Marlins are willing to bend.

The county commission will cast its vote Monday.  

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