Girl Scout Cookies Save Lives, Taste Awesome

"Cookie mom" revives a diabetic woman with Girl Scout cookie treats

Thanks, Thin Mints!

A Seattle woman used Girl Scout cookies to revive a diabetic woman who appeared to be in a semi-conscious state of shock, KIRO-TV Seattle reported.

Danette Lam said she had just picked up hundreds of boxes of cookies to sell when she and a friend spotted a car that had backed into shrubbery in a busy intersection.

The woman was locked in her car and was in and out of consciousness, Lam said.

"She just looked at me with this blank stare and then she would just go right back to sleep again," she said of the woman.

When the woman's husband showed up to unlock the car, he told Lam his wife was diabetic and asked her for something sugary to revive her.

The "cookie mom" ripped open a box of caramel cookies and fed them to the woman, who stayed awake until paramedics arrived on the scene.

"It was a happy ending to a story," Lam said.

We always knew those cookies were magical.

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