
Officials Warn of New “Can You Hear Me Now” Phone Scam

Officials are warning consumers about a new scam dubbed the "Can you hear me now" scam involving fraudsters tricking consumers into saying a single word over the phone.

That single word could potential lead to fraudulent charges.

It starts with an unsolicited phone call during which the caller claims to represent a business or agency.

The caller then claims to have a bad connection and asks, "Can you hear me now?"

If the consumer says "yes," the scammer records the answer and misuses it as the victim authorizing unwanted charges for products and services.

When the consumer tries to dispute the charge, the audio recording is used to argue that the consumed agreed to the charge.

The West Virginia Attorney General's Office says scammers collect the consumer's personal information through a data breach or some other scam.

Officials urge people to be on guard and to hang up the phone if they are asked this question.

There are no known victims in Florida, but the scam is reportedly circulating throughout the country.

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