Emaciated Racing Horse Recovering

Foolish Treasure is continuing treatment

Foolish Treasure, the latest emaciated and injured horse found in southwest Miami-Dade, continues to recover, a rescue group said Tuesday.

The abandoned horse was found Saturday night and is recovering at the South Florida Society for the Prevention and Cruelty to Animals Rescue Ranch.

“She’s fighting for her life and we are fighting right alongside her,” said Jeanette Jordan, a member of the group.

Foolish Treasure had her leg radiographed Monday and an ultrasound on Tuesday.

The results were sent to a surgical center and will determine if the horse needs surgery or antibiotics.

Jordan said the horse was identified by a tattoo and was last raced in Tampa about four years ago.

In the past week, police and rescue groups have found 10 horses in south Dade which had been lost or released and in poor health. Jordan said all but one should make a full recovery.

“People who live on the east side of I-95 don’t realize we have a huge agricultural corridor in west Miami-Dade and that there are going to be animals that fall through the cracks,” Jordan said.

As to who or what is responsible for the recent rash of stray horses, Jordan said many are being released by owners, and that police are investigating a possible connection between the thoroughbreds and a slaughterhouse in the area.

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