The father of Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen, posted a video addressing Sunday's horrific attacks.
Seddique Mateen posted a Facebook video early Monday morning.
In the video, translated by NBC News, Seddique says, "My fellow countrymen, it is a very sad news that I am letting you know of son's death in the United son Omar Mateen was a very good boy and well-educated person, he had a son and wife and was living a dignified life and respected his parents."
Seddique added: "I don't what has caused this and I was not aware that he had hatred and has gone to the gay club and has killed 50. I am really sorry and have expressed this to the people of the United States, specially in this holy month of Ramadan.The punishment for homosexuality is upon God and he will decide on them not humans."
Omar Mateen's employer G4S Regional released a statement in response to the mass shooting.
"We are deeply shocked by this tragic event," said CEO for North America John Kenning. "We can confirm that Omar Mateen had been employed by G4S since September 10th, 2007. Mateen was off-duty at the time of the incident."
The statement also mentions that Matten underwent company screening processes and background checks and the check revealed nothing of concern.