Teresa Joseph

Floatation Therapy Offers Tranquility and Weightlessness

For many South Floridians, a simple massage is sometimes not enough to aid mental and physical exhaustion. A form of alternative medicine is now making a comeback.

For many South Floridians, a simple massage is sometimes not enough to aid mental and physical exhaustion. A form of alternative medicine is now making a comeback: floatation therapy.

Sharon Alume says when she enters the Float Chamber, she feels weightless. “What I find really beautiful is that you’re able to come into this weightless state. You feel where you’re holding tension; weightless capacity takes over your body,” said Alume.

Originally known in the 1950’s as a “sensory deprivation tank”, this float chamber is becoming the talk of the town among yogis, professionals and those who are simply looking to disconnect from the everyday hustle and bustle.

”Millions of people travel to the Dead Sea for its healing benefits. This pod here is filled with 1,000 lbs. of Epsom Salt and promises to help you float troubles away.

Once you step foot in the pod, you are weightless and completely closed off to sound and light. Due to the buoyancy in Epsom Salt, every muscle of the body reaches complete relaxation.

Dr. Vladimir Turvosky says an hour of flotation therapy has been compared to a full 8 hours of sleep.

Joaia Yakobson was initially skeptic, but the holistic approach is now helping with her chronic back pain.

“I was kind of pensive at first. Pain decreased by 70% and my pain was chronic,” said Yakobson.

We all know it's not easy to silence the internal chatter, but this flotation chamber silences all the senses and allows you to get

According to experts, flotation therapy can also benefit those who suffer from high blood pressure and even mental health disorders, like anxiety and PTSD.

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