If rule No. 1 in drug dealing is never get high on your own supply, then Rule 1b. must certainly be don't choke on it, either.
Unfortunately, Andrew Grande didn't get that far in the rule book. The 23-year-old apparently choked to death after a bag of the sticky icky got stuck in his throat while running from the cops in Panama City, according to the Newsherald website.
Bay County Sheriff's Office said Grande was the perp in a domestic dispute on Friday and began resisting arrest from deputies who tried to subdue him. Then Grande stuffed something in his mouth, which triggered one of the deputies to use his Taser on the struggling suspect.
That's when things got weird. Grande started to choke and deputies went from arrest mode to rescue mode and began performing the Heimlich maneuver, but that didn't work.
In video recordings of the incident, Grande can be heard wheezing.
“I can’t breathe,” he said. “I can’t breathe.”
A medical rescue team arrived a few moments later and eventually retrieved a plastic baggie of marijuana that had become lodged in Grande's throat. Grande died at the hospital.
The incident was caught on video tape and the Sheriff's Office is investigating to make sure the deputies followed protocol.