
NBC 6 Viewer Helps Out Grandmother Possibly Facing Higher FPL Bill

A woman who watched an NBC 6 report went out of her way to help a grandmother with her utility bill as FPL costumers face additional surcharges. NBC 6’s Michael Spears reports.

The 83-year-old grandmother who told NBC 6 last week that FPL's proposed surcharges after Hurricane Irma would increased hardship received the generous help of someone who watched the report.

NBC 6 interviewed Daphne Lawrence who lives in Miami Gardens about FPL's proposal to have customers pay more every month so the utility company can recuperate the $1.3 billion it said it spent recovering after Hurricane Irma.

Lawrence said keeping the lights on is already difficult enough with three grandchildren for which to care.

After seeing the report, a kind woman named Shirley stepped in to help. She told Lawrence she was moved by your story."

"I just would like to help you out a little bit with your payments on those so if I can give you a check. It's made out to FP&L," Shirley told Lawrence.

Shirley's check for Lawrence to pay FPL bills is for $1,000.

"Thank you very much," Lawrence said. "She's so sweet. She's a blessing."

Based on a 1,000 kilowatt-hour bill, FPL wants to charge customers an additional $4 a month starting in March, and then $5.50 more in 2019.

But for now, Lawrence and her family have some breathing room.

"It's a big surprise, I never think of this," Lawrence added. "Surprised to know she just saw me on the TV and her heart goes out to me. I'm very grateful. God [moves in] mysterious ways."

Shirley, however, does not mind offering a helping hand.

"I've been blessed so it's nice to pass it on," Shirley said.

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