Pro Bowl Bids Aloha to Miami

The Pro Bowl is leaving despite having its most successful game ever in Miami

Aloha means hello and goodbye in Hawaiian, but the NFL meant the latter when it announced Tuesday the Pro Bowl was leaving Miami after a one-year experimental run.

The NFL's version of an All Star game will return to Hawaii for the next two years and likely the foreseeable future, which may put a little more excitement in the game - for the players.

Just about everyone named to the 2010 Pro Bowl bowed out, claiming injury, family illness, personal issues or their dog ate their plane ticket. Even former University of Miami stand out Bryant McKinnie ditched festivities in Miami.

Some rumored it was the fact the NFL switched the game from paradise to a city some of them had already played in. 

"We are pleased to return to the state of Hawaii, which has embraced the Pro Bowl for 30 years," NFL senior vice president of events Frank Supovitz in a statement released by the league.

That doesn't necessarily mean Miami didn't embrace the game, which saw its highest attendance numbers in decades. But the deluge that fell on the stadium formerly known as Dolphin Stadium didn't help matters.

The NFL also announced the Pro bowl will still be played the week before the Super Bowl, but we're curious how they plan to accommodate players selected to the game that are also playing in the Super Bowl.

Peyton Manning and Drew Brees were forced to interrupt Super Bowl XLIV preparations to attend Pro Bowl festivities and the game, despite not playing in it.

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