Jamie Guirola

Family Needs Help After Toddler Burned Badly

Note: if you want to help cover Samantha's medical bills, you can donate at https://www.gofundme.com/2samantha

Times are growing difficult for the family of Samantha Gonzalez. Three weeks after her accident, the 2-year-old girl remains in the hospital, wrapped in gauze from the neck all the way down to her toes.

Second and third degree burns covered 60% of her body after the accident back in September. Samantha was bathing in the kitchen sink when grandmother dropped a pressure cooker full of chicken broth on her, fearing it was about to explode. 

"I'm trying to be strong for her and myself," said Tiana Gonzalez, Samantha's mother.

On Thursday, doctors were supposed to amputate Samantha's leg, but the operation was put on hold after finding a blood clot in her lungs.

"She's made improvement," says Nibaldo Padilla, a relative of Samantha. "But she keeps backtracking and backpedaling but definitely she's fighting.

The longer Samantha stays in the hospital, the more financial pressure gets put on her family. A GoFundMe page was set up to help cover her medical costs, you can donate at https://www.gofundme.com/2samantha

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