Palin Starts PAC

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) has launched a political action committee designed to raise funds for local and national candidates.

According to a statement on its website, SarahPAC is “dedicated to building America’s future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation.”

“As a new president takes office and begins to lead our country, Gov. Palin believes that every one of us has a duty and responsibility in this time of economic crisis and international challenge,” reads a statement regarding the PAC’s launch. “Each one of us must step up to the plate, get involved in the spirit of renaissance and renewal that is critical to America's success.”

The post office box for the PAC is located in Arlington, Virginia, and the phone number listed has a Washington, D.C., area code.

The “about Sarah” section of the site runs through highlights of Palin’s term as governor, but makes little mention of her time as GOP presidential nominee John McCain’s running mate. The website notes that Palin is the PAC's official chair.

“In August 2008, Senator John McCain tapped Gov. Palin to serve as his vice presidential running mate in his Presidential campaign, thus making her the first woman to run on the Republican Party's presidential ticket,” reads the site's only reference to the campaign.

The website has no mention of her future political plans or candidates she supports.

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