Ref Calls Personal Foul, Arrests Fan

One rowdy fan attacks a referee who is also an Indiana trooper

Most people drive a bit slower if they see a police car nearby or practice better manners if authorities are around. Of course, people should be on their best behavior regardless. After all, as one Indiana man found out, just because you don't see a cop, that doesn't mean he or she isn't there.

Patrick Rempala, 64, was extremely upset when his home team lost at a basketball game at Washington Township High School in Porter County. He rushed out of the stands and screamed "You suck!" at the referees, including Glen Fifeld.

Fifeld tried to walk away from the situation, but Rempala approached him again and shoved him. The ref then identified himself as a state trooper and told Rempala he would be put under arrest.

According to Fifeld, Rempala replied, "You can't arrest me; you're a referee!" (Hey that rhymes!) Then he pushed Fifeld again. A struggle broke out, and spectators stepped in to help when Rempala allegedly tried to choke the officer with his referee whistle neckstrap.

Once the angry fan realized that he had, in fact, attacked a state trooper, he retorted, "That's not fair."

Rempala faces charges of battery and resisting arrest.

Matt Bartosik, former blogger of The Chicago Traveler and editor of Off the Rocks' next issue, also moonlights as a grammar detective.

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