Woman Caught Using Toddler Pee On Drug Test

Mother of toddler also arrested for urine scam

Drug users have been trying to find a way to beat drug tests for years and some have come up with some pretty ingenious ideas. This is not one of those stories.

A 20-year-old New Port Richey woman was arrested for allegedly trying to pass a urine test by using a sample from her friend's toddler.

This goes to show it pays to have at least one sober adult friend who isn't a junkie.

Sara Lou Kenny was on probation for drug charges and had just started her mandatory 2-year drug court probation. When cops nabbed her for the shady pee, Kenny was holding some methadone pills that she had no prescription for.

Appropriately, her roommate was also cuffed for allowing Kenny to use her 4-year-old son's urine. The mother, Amber Tobeck, was on probation for fraud and theft convictions.

Copyright The Associated Press
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