Man Arrested for Stealing His Car Back

Man snuck into tow yard and tried to take back his ride, police said

Just because you own something doesn't mean you can take it.

A Monroe County man was arrested Wednesday after he allegedly snuck into a tow yard to take back his car, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office said. 

Matthew Foulkrod, 26, is charged with attempted burglary and theft for his failed try at taking back what was already his.

According to an arrest report, Foulkrod's ride, a silver Toyota Scion, was towed from a parking lot at around 1:15 a.m. The manager of the tow yard called Foulkrod and told him where his car was and that he could come and get it, the report stated.

Instead of meeting up with the manager as he agreed, Foulkrod decided to take matters into his own hands. He somehow got inside the fenced area, started up his car and drove toward the gate.

But his great escape was blocked by the locked exit and Foulkrod was stuck as the tow yard manager called authorities.

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