Miami-Dade police

2 Teens Arrested in Theft of Unmarked Miami-Dade Police Car

Two teens have been arrested in the theft of an unmarked Miami-Dade police car, officials said.

Christian Carvajal, 19, and a 15-year-old suspect, were arrested on grand theft charges, police said Wednesday.

The dark grey Dodge Charger was discovered stolen from an officer's home in the area of Southwest 162nd Avenue and Miller Drive last Friday. The officer's two personal vehicles were also broke into.

Police found the Charger submerged in a canal the next day . Detectives said fingerprints left on the door handle of one of the cars led them to the teens

Among the stolen items recovered were a Smith and Wesson A/R-15 rifle, a Glock 9MM firearm inscribed with 'Miami-Dade Police Department,' a ballistic helmet, a Taser electronic control device, a Miami-Dade Police Department badge, and a computer.

Officials said Carvajal was trying to sell the Glock. He also faces charges of burglary and unlawful taking of a law enforcement officer's firearm.

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