The men who will grace the pages of the 2017 South Florida Firefighters Calendar were chosen Wednesday.
The winning firefighters were announced at the annual Secretary Day's Luncheon at Jungle Island.
"This is our Secretary's Day Luncheon. This is our 24th year. This is where we pick the firefighters that are gonna be in next years 2017 calendar," said retired Lt. Luis Espinosa, founder of the calendar. "I know they're supposed to look good and they do look good, they really do, but we're not about Magic Mike, we're about CPR and AEDs and saving lives."
Sales of the annual calendar benefits South Florida charities. Each costs $20 and is released in August.
"Our calendar this year is raising awareness and raising funds for the UMJM burn center, Friends Forever Pet Rescue, Safe Haven for Newborns and Here's Help drug treatment center," Espinosa said.
Over the years, the non-profit has raised more than $240,000.